Partition a pool of elements into groups (i.e., anticlusters) with the aim of creating high within-group heterogeneity and high between-group similarity. Anticlustering is accomplished by maximizing instead of minimizing a clustering objective function. Implements anticlustering methods as described in Papenberg and Klau (2021; <doi:10.1037/met0000301>), Brusco et al. (2020; <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12186>), and Papenberg (2024; <doi:10.1111/bmsp.12315>).
objective = "diversity",
method = "exchange",
preclustering = FALSE,
categories = NULL,
repetitions = NULL,
standardize = FALSE,
cannot_link = NULL,
must_link = NULL
The data input. Can be one of two structures: (1) A
feature matrix where rows correspond to elements and columns
correspond to variables (a single numeric variable can be
passed as a vector). (2) An N x N matrix dissimilarity matrix;
can be an object of class dist
(e.g., returned by
or as.dist
) or a matrix
where the entries of the upper and lower triangular matrix
represent pairwise dissimilarities.
How many anticlusters should be created. Alternatively:
(a) A vector describing the size of each group, or (b) a vector
of length nrow(x)
describing how elements are assigned
to anticlusters before the optimization starts.
The objective to be maximized. The options "diversity" (default; previously called "distance", which is still supported), "average-diversity", "variance", "kplus" and "dispersion" are natively supported. May also be a user-defined function. See Details.
One of "exchange" (default) , "local-maximum", "brusco", "ilp", or "2PML". See Details.
Boolean. Should a preclustering be conducted
before anticlusters are created? Defaults to FALSE
. See
A vector, data.frame or matrix representing one or several categorical variables whose distribution should be similar between groups. See Details.
The number of times a search heuristic is
initiated when using method = "exchange"
, method =
, method = "brusco"
, or method = "2PML"
In the end, the best objective found across the repetitions is returned.
Boolean. If TRUE
and x
is a
feature matrix, the data is standardized through a call to
before the optimization starts. This
argument is silently ignored if x
is a distance matrix.
A 2 column matrix where each row has the indices of two elements that must not be assigned to the same anticluster.
A numeric vector of length nrow(x)
. Elements having
the same value in this vector are assigned to the same anticluster.
A vector of length N that assigns a group (i.e, a number
between 1 and K
) to each input element.
This function is used to solve anticlustering. That is, the data
input is divided into K
groups in such a way that elements
within groups are heterogeneous and the different groups are
similar. Anticlustering is accomplished by maximizing instead of
minimizing a clustering objective function. The maximization of
five objectives is natively supported (other
functions can also defined by the user as described below):
the diversity, setting
objective = "diversity"
(this is the default objective)
the average diversity, which normalizes the diversity by cluster size,
setting objective = "average-diversity"
the k-means (or "variance") objective, setting objective = "variance"
the k-plus objective, an extension of the k-means objective,
setting objective = "kplus"
the dispersion, which is the minimum distance between
any two elements within the same cluster (setting
objective = "dispersion"
The k-means objective is the within-group variance—that is, the
sum of the squared distances between each element and its cluster
center (see variance_objective
). K-means
anticlustering focuses on minimizing differences with regard to the
means of the input variables (that is, the columns in x
), but it ignores any other distribution
characterstics such as the variance / standard deviation. K-plus anticlustering
(using objective = "kplus"
) is an extension of the k-means criterion that also
minimizes differences with regard to the standard
deviations between groups (for details see kplus_anticlustering
). K-plus
anticlustering can also be extended towards higher order moments such as skew and kurtosis;
to consider these additional distribution characteristics, use the function
. Setting objective = "kplus"
function will only consider means
and standard deviations (in my experience, this is what users usually want).
It is strongly recommended to set the argument standardize = TRUE
when using the k-plus objective.
The "diversity" objective is the sum of pairwise
distances of elements within the same groups (see
). Hence, anticlustering using the diversity
criterion maximizes between-group similarity
by maximizing within-group heterogeneity (represented as the sum of all pairwise distances).
If it is computed on the basis of the Euclidean distance (which is the default
behaviour if x
is a feature matrix), the diversity is an all rounder objective that
tends to equate all distribution
characteristics between groups (such as means, variances, ...).
Note that the equivalence of within-group heterogeneity and between-group similarity only
holds for equal-sized groups. For unequal-sized groups, it is recommended to
use a different objective when striving for overall between-group similarity,
e.g., the k-plus objective or the "average-diversity"
. The average diversity
was introduced in version 0.8.6, and it is more useful if groups are not
equal-sized. The average diversity normalizes the sum of intra-cluster distances
by group size. If all groups are equal-sized, it is equivalent to the
regular diversity. In the publication that introduces
the anticlust
package (Papenberg & Klau, 2021), we used the term "anticluster
editing" to refer to the maximization of the diversity, because the reversed
procedure - minimizing the diversity - is also known as "cluster editing".
The "dispersion" is the minimum distance between any two elements
that are part of the same cluster; maximization of this objective
ensures that any two elements within the same group are as
dissimilar from each other as possible. Applications that require
high within-group heterogeneity often require to maximize the
dispersion. Oftentimes, it is useful to also consider the diversity
and not only the dispersion; to optimize both objectives at the
same time, see the function
If the data input x
is a feature matrix (that is: each row
is a "case" and each column is a "variable") and the option
objective = "diversity"
or objective = "dispersion"
is used,
the Euclidean distance is computed as the basic unit of the objectives. If
a different measure of dissimilarity is preferred, you may pass a
self-generated dissimilarity matrix via the argument x
In the standard case, groups of equal size are generated. Adjust
the argument K
to create groups of different size (see
Algorithms for anticlustering
By default, a heuristic method is employed for anticlustering: the
exchange method (method = "exchange"
). First, elements are
randomly assigned to anticlusters (It is also possible to
explicitly specify the initial assignment using the argument
; in this case, K
has length nrow(x)
.) Based
on the initial assignment, elements are systematically swapped
between anticlusters in such a way that each swap improves the
objective value. For an element, each possible swap with elements
in other clusters is simulated; then, the one swap is performed
that improves the objective the most, but a swap is only conducted
if there is an improvement at all. This swapping procedure is
repeated for each element. When using method =
, the exchange method does not terminate after the
first iteration over all elements; instead, the swapping continues
until a local maximum is reached. This method corresponds to the algorithm
"LCW" by Weitz and Lakshminarayanan (1998). This means that after the
exchange process has been conducted once for each data point, the
algorithm restarts with the first element and proceeds to conduct
exchanges until the objective cannot be improved.
When setting preclustering = TRUE
, only the K - 1
most similar elements serve as exchange partners for each element,
which can speed up the optimization (more information
on the preclustering heuristic follows below). If the categories
is used, only elements having the same value in categories
serve as exchange
Using method = "brusco"
implements the local bicriterion
iterated local search (BILS) heuristic by Brusco et al. (2020) and
returns the partition that best optimized either the diversity or
the dispersion during the optimization process. The function
can also be used to run
the algorithm by Brusco et al., but it returns multiple partitions
that approximate the optimal pareto efficient set according to both
objectives (diversity and dispersion). Thus, to fully utilize the
BILS algorithm, use the function
Optimal anticlustering
Usually, heuristics are employed to tackle anticlustering problems, and their performance is generally very satisfying. However, heuristics do not investigate all possible group assignments and therefore do not (necessarily) find the "globally optimal solution", i.e., a partitioning that has the best possible value with regard to the objective that is optimized. Enumerating all possible partitions in order to find the best solution, however, quickly becomes impossible with increasing N, and therefore it is not possible to find a global optimum this way. Because all anticlustering problems considered here are also NP-hard, there is also no (known) clever algorithm that might identify the best solution without considering all possibilities - at least in the worst case. Integer linear programming (ILP) is an approach for tackling NP hard problems that nevertheless tries to be clever when finding optimal solutions: It does not necessarily enumerate all possibilities but is still guaranteed to return the optimal solution. Still, for NP hard problems such as anticlustering, ILP methods will also fail at some point (i.e., when N increases).
implements optimal solution algorithms via integer
linear programming. In order to use the ILP methods, set
method = "ilp"
. The integer linear program optimizing the
diversity was described in Papenberg & Klau, (2021; (8) -
(12)). It can also be used to optimize the k-means and k-plus objectives,
but you actually have to use the function optimal_anticlustering
for these objectives. The documentation of the function
and optimal_anticlustering
contain more information on the optimal anticlustering algorithms.
Categorical variables
There are two ways to balance categorical variables among anticlusters (also
see the package vignette "Using categorical variables with anticlustering").
The first way is to treat them as "hard constraints" via the argument
(see Papenberg & Klau, 2021). If done so, balancing the
categorical variable is accomplished via categorical_sampling
a stratified split before the anticlustering optimization. After that, the
balance is never changed when the algorithm runs (hence, it is a "hard constraint").
When categories
has multiple columns (i.e., there are multiple
categorical variables), each combination of categories is treated as a
distinct category by the exchange method (i.e., the multiple columns
are "merged" into a single column). This behaviour may lead
to less than optimal results on the level of each single categorical variable.
In this case, it may be useful to treat the categorical variables as part of
the numeric data, i.e., the first argument x
via binary coding
(e.g. using categories_to_binary
). The examples show how to do this
when using the bicriterion algorithm by Bruso et al. Using the argument
is only available for the classical exchange procedures,
that is, for method = "exchange"
and method = "local-maximum"
Anticlustering with constraints
Versions 0.8.6 and 0.8.7 of anticlust introduced the possibility to induce
cannot-link and must-link constraints with anticlustering with
the arguments cannot_link
and must_link
, respectively.
Cannot-link constraints ensure that pairs of items are assigned to different
clusters. They are given as a 2-column matrix, where each row has the indices
of two elements, which must not be assigned to the same cluster. It is possible
that a set of cannot-link constraints cannot be fulfilled. To verify whether
the constraints cannot be fulfilled (and to actually assign elements
while respecting the constraints), a graph coloring algorithm algorithm is used.
This algorithm is is actually the same method as used in optimal_dispersion
The graph coloring algorithm uses an ILP solver and it greatly profits (that is,
it may be much faster) from the Rsymphony package, which is not installed as
a necessary dependency with anticlust. It is therefore recommended to
manually install the Rsymphony package, which is then automatically
selected as solver when using the must_link
Must-link constraints are passed as a single vector of length nrow(x)
Positions that have the same numeric index are assigned to the same anticluster
(if the constraints can be fulfilled). When including must-link constraints,
method = "2PML"
performs a specialized search heuristic that potentially
yields better results than method = "local-maximum"
The examples illustrate the usage of the must_link
and cannot_link
arguments. Currently, the different kinds of constraints (arguments must_link
, and categories
) cannot be used together, but this
may change in future versions.
A useful heuristic for anticlustering is to form small groups of
very similar elements and assign these to different groups. This
logic is used as a preprocessing when setting preclustering =
. That is, before the anticlustering objective is optimized, a
cluster analysis identifies small groups of similar elements (pairs
if K = 2
, triplets if K = 3
, and so forth). The
optimization of the anticlustering objective is then conducted
under the constraint that these matched elements cannot be assigned
to the same group. When using the exchange algorithm, preclustering
is conducted using a call to matching
. When using
method = "ilp"
, the preclustering optimally finds groups of
minimum pairwise distance by solving the integer linear program
described in Papenberg and Klau (2021; (8) - (10), (12) - (13)).
Note that when combining preclustering restrictions with method = "ilp"
the anticlustering result is no longer guaranteed to be globally optimal, but
only optimal given the preclustering restrictions.
Optimize a custom objective function
It is possible to pass a function
to the argument
. See dispersion_objective
for an
example. If objective
is a function, the exchange method
assigns elements to anticlusters in such a way that the return
value of the custom function is maximized (hence, the function
should return larger values when the between-group similarity is
higher). The custom function has to take two arguments: the first
is the data argument, the second is the clustering assignment. That
is, the argument x
will be passed down to the user-defined
function as first argument. However, only after
has been called on x
. This implies
that in the function body, columns of the data set cannot be
accessed using data.frame
operations such as
. Objects of class dist
will be converted to matrix
as well.
Brusco, M. J., Cradit, J. D., & Steinley, D. (2020). Combining diversity and dispersion criteria for anticlustering: A bicriterion approach. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 73, 275-396.
Papenberg, M., & Klau, G. W. (2021). Using anticlustering to partition data sets into equivalent parts. Psychological Methods, 26(2), 161–174.
Papenberg, M. (2024). K-plus Anticlustering: An Improved k-means Criterion for Maximizing Between-Group Similarity. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 77(1), 80-102.
Späth, H. (1986). Anticlustering: Maximizing the variance criterion. Control and Cybernetics, 15, 213-218.
Weitz, R. R., & Lakshminarayanan, S. (1998). An empirical comparison of heuristic methods for creating maximally diverse groups. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49(6), 635-646.
# Use default method ("exchange") and the default diversity criterion, also include
# a categorical variable via argument `categories`:
anticlusters <- anticlustering(
schaper2019[, 3:6],
K = 3,
categories = schaper2019$room
# Compare feature means and standard deviations by anticluster
mean_sd_tab(schaper2019[, 3:6], anticlusters)
#> rating_consistent rating_inconsistent syllables frequency
#> 1 "4.49 (0.25)" "1.11 (0.06)" "3.44 (0.91)" "18.31 (2.47)"
#> 2 "4.49 (0.24)" "1.10 (0.07)" "3.38 (0.94)" "18.28 (2.37)"
#> 3 "4.50 (0.26)" "1.10 (0.07)" "3.44 (0.95)" "18.34 (2.39)"
# Verify that the "room" is balanced across anticlusters:
table(anticlusters, schaper2019$room)
#> anticlusters bathroom kitchen
#> 1 16 16
#> 2 16 16
#> 3 16 16
# Use multiple starts of the algorithm to improve the objective and
# optimize the k-means criterion ("variance")
anticlusters <- anticlustering(
schaper2019[, 3:6],
objective = "variance",
K = 3,
categories = schaper2019$room,
method = "local-maximum", # better search algorithm
repetitions = 20 # multiple restarts of the algorithm
# Compare means and standard deviations by anticluster
mean_sd_tab(schaper2019[, 3:6], anticlusters)
#> rating_consistent rating_inconsistent syllables frequency
#> 1 "4.49 (0.25)" "1.10 (0.08)" "3.41 (0.87)" "18.31 (2.21)"
#> 2 "4.49 (0.23)" "1.10 (0.06)" "3.41 (0.84)" "18.31 (2.26)"
#> 3 "4.49 (0.27)" "1.10 (0.06)" "3.44 (1.08)" "18.31 (2.73)"
# Use different group sizes and optimize the extended k-means
# criterion ("kplus")
anticlusters <- anticlustering(
schaper2019[, 3:6],
objective = "kplus",
K = c(24, 24, 48),
categories = schaper2019$room,
repetitions = 20,
method = "local-maximum",
standardize = TRUE # ususally recommended
# Use cannot_link constraints: Element 1 must not be linked with elements 2 to 10:
cl_matrix <- matrix(c(rep(1, 9), 2:10), ncol = 2)
cl <- anticlustering(
schaper2019[, 3:6],
K = 10,
cannot_link = cl_matrix
all(cl[1] != cl[2:10])
#> [1] TRUE
# Use cannot_link constraints: Element 1 must be linked with elements 2 to 10.
# Element 11 must be linked with elements 12-20.
must_link <- rep(NA, nrow(schaper2019))
must_link[1:10] <- 1
must_link[11:20] <- 2
cl <- anticlustering(
schaper2019[, 3:6],
K = 3,
must_link = must_link
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# Use the heuristic by Brusco et al. (2020) for k-plus anticlustering
# Include categorical variable as part of the optimization criterion rather
# than the argument categories!
anticlusters <- anticlustering(
kplus_moment_variables(schaper2019[, 3:6], 2),
objective = "variance", # k-plus anticlustering because of the input above!
K = 3,
repetitions = 20,
method = "brusco"
mean_sd_tab(schaper2019[, 3:6], anticlusters)
#> rating_consistent rating_inconsistent syllables frequency
#> 1 "4.49 (0.25)" "1.10 (0.07)" "3.44 (0.91)" "18.31 (2.42)"
#> 2 "4.50 (0.25)" "1.10 (0.07)" "3.41 (0.95)" "18.31 (2.42)"
#> 3 "4.49 (0.25)" "1.10 (0.07)" "3.41 (0.95)" "18.31 (2.40)"
table(anticlusters, schaper2019$room)
#> anticlusters bathroom kitchen
#> 1 16 16
#> 2 16 16
#> 3 16 16