In an earlier post, I noted that the Bartlett-Mulder and Levene-Anderson Bayes factors for the comparison of independent variances may yield different results. In this post I explore this discrepancy a bit more systematically using Monte Carlo simulations. I show that the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor from the new R package BFpack outperforms the Levene-Anderson Bayes factor across a variety of conditions.

Preparing the simulation

First, I define a function that computes a Levene test, a Bartlett test, and the corresponding Bayes factors given two samples of numeric observations \(x\) and \(y\):

# Function to compare variances from two independent groups
# param x: The first numeric vector, data points from one sample
# param y: The second numeric vector, data points from the other sample
# return: p values and Bayes factors for Bartlett and Levene test

compare_variances <- function(x, y) {
  nx <- length(x) 
  ny <- length(y)
  # Levene test
  lt <- car::leveneTest(
    y = c(x, y),
    group = factor(c(rep(1, nx), rep(2, ny)))
  # Bartlett test 
  bt <- BFpack::bartlett_test(
    x = c(x, y),
    g = c(rep(1, nx), rep(2, ny))
  # Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor
  posteriors <- BFpack::BF(bt)$PHP_exploratory
  BFB <- posteriors[2] / posteriors[1]

  # Levene-Anderson Bayes factor
  BFL <- varBF::indepvarBF(x, y)
  # Output
  output <- c(
    P_Levene = lt[["Pr(>F)"]][1],
    P_Bartlett = bt$p.value,
    BF_Levene = BFL,
    BF_Bartlett = unname(BFB)

To show how it works, let’s generate two vectors of normal data with different standard deviations and feed them into the function compare_variances():

n_group <- 100
group1 <- rnorm(n_group, mean = 100, sd = 15)
group2 <- rnorm(n_group, mean = 100, sd = 20)

compare_variances(group1, group2)
##    P_Levene  P_Bartlett   BF_Levene BF_Bartlett 
##      0.0054      0.0037      5.9214      5.2609

As we can see, the Levene and Bartlett p-values and Bayes factors differ for the same data set.

Next, I define a function that can be used to repeat the simulation process while varying input parameters. The sample size per group (function argument N) and one of the two standard deviations (function argument sd2) vary between simulation runs; the parameter nruns defines the number of repetitions for each combination of sample size and standard deviation.

# This function allows a multiple length vector `N` and `sd2` as input 
# for allowing to vary `N` and the effect size between simulation runs.
# The parameter `nruns` then refers to the simulation runs for each 
# combination of `N` and `sd2`!
simulate_variance_comparison <- function(nruns, N, sd2) {
  conditions <- expand.grid(N = N , sd2 = sd2)
  results <- list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(conditions)) {
    sim_runs <- lapply(
      X = 1:nruns,
      N = conditions$N[i],
      sd2 = conditions$sd2[i]
    results[[i]] <- data.frame(t(simplify2array(sim_runs, higher = FALSE)))
    results[[i]]$N <- conditions$N[i]
    results[[i]]$sd2 <- conditions$sd2[i]
  }, results)

# helper function; generates data and computes BF for a single simulation run
simulate_variance_comparison_ <- function(X, N, sd2) {
  group1 <- rnorm(N, mean = 100, sd = 15)
  group2 <- rnorm(N, mean = 100, sd = sd2)
  compare_variances(group1, group2)

Simulation 1: Variances differ

Now, let’s simulate 1,000 runs where the true standard deviations differ (15 versus 20):

comparisons <- simulate_variance_comparison(
  nruns = 1000, # number of simulation runs
  N = 100, # sample size per group
  sd2 = 20 # defines the "effect size", difference between SDs

Let’s check out the simulation output (the first 6 cases):

P_Levene P_Bartlett BF_Levene BF_Bartlett N sd2
0.00 0.00 37.6 60.1 100 20
0.00 0.00 17.0 16.8 100 20
0.03 0.01 1.5 3.3 100 20
0.00 0.01 6.5 1.6 100 20
0.00 0.00 11.3 32.2 100 20
0.00 0.00 125.6 43.2 100 20

Whenever the p-values are small, the Bayes factors are large; moreover, the Bayes factors covary rather substantially: Whenever the Levene-Anderson Bayes factor is large, so is the Bartlett-Mulders Bayes factor. This is how it should be. Let’s examine these relationships more formally by observing the correlations between Bayes factors and p-values:

  log(comparisons[, c("P_Levene", "P_Bartlett", "BF_Levene", "BF_Bartlett")])
##             P_Levene P_Bartlett BF_Levene BF_Bartlett
## P_Levene        1.00       0.89     -1.00       -0.89
## P_Bartlett      0.89       1.00     -0.89       -1.00
## BF_Levene      -1.00      -0.89      1.00        0.89
## BF_Bartlett    -0.89      -1.00      0.89        1.00

According to the correlation matrix, the Bayes factors agree with each other pretty well. Note that I correlated the log Bayes factors because Bayes factors can be so huge that we cannot find linear relationships with other variables.

Next, let’s compare the magnitude of the Bayes factors under investigation. Is the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor generally larger? To find out, I compare the Bayes factor quantiles:

  Levene_Anderson = quantile(comparisons$BF_Levene, probs = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)),
  Bartlett_Mulder = quantile(comparisons$BF_Bartlett, probs = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1))
Levene_Anderson Bartlett_Mulder
10% 0.39 0.29
20% 0.67 0.69
30% 1.22 1.28
40% 2.21 2.41
50% 3.94 5.09
60% 7.85 10.35
70% 15.59 24.02
80% 36.84 69.35
90% 132.92 274.14

The median (50% quantile) Levene-Anderson Bayes factor is slightly smaller than the median Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor. We also more often find very large Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factors. Hence, the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor has an advantage because it generally indicates stronger evidence in favor of the true hypothesis, i.e., the hypothesis that the variances differ. However, note that the difference between the Bayes factors is not huge; the input data is much more important, as shown by the strong correlation between the two Bayes factors.

Simulation 2: Variances do not differ

Next, let’s compare the two Bayes factors when the null hypothesis is true:

comparisons <- simulate_variance_comparison(
  nruns = 1000, 
  N = 100, 
  sd2 = 15 # sd1 is also 15, as we know - null effect!

# Display the results as quantiles:
  Levene_Anderson = quantile(1 / comparisons$BF_Levene, probs = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)),
  Bartlett_Mulder = quantile(1 / comparisons$BF_Bartlett, probs = seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1))
Levene_Anderson Bartlett_Mulder
10% 1.9 3.3
20% 3.0 5.4
30% 4.1 7.7
40% 4.8 9.0
50% 5.3 10.0
60% 5.8 10.9
70% 6.1 11.6
80% 6.3 12.1
90% 6.5 12.4

Here, I computed the Bayes factor \(BF_{01}\)—by dividing \(1\) by the Bayes factor \(BF_{10}\)—representing the degree to which the data favors the null hypothesis over the alternative. Again, the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor are larger and hence convey stronger evidence in favor of the true null hypothesis.

Simulation 3: Variances differ – more conditions

To generalize the results, I repeat the simulations from above but include more conditions, i.e., I vary \(N\) and the effect size between conditions. First, I again assume that the true variances are different. Per condition, I simulate 1,000 runs, allowing for a rather precise comparison:

comparisons <- simulate_variance_comparison(
  nruns = 1000, 
  N = seq(from = 50, to = 300, by = 50), 
  sd2 = c(18, 20, 22)

I plot the Bayes factor quantiles by \(N\) and method. The code needed to reproduce all simulations and plots is available here.

It seems that across this variety of conditions, the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor tends to yield higher Bayes factors, which is good because the variances actually differ. However, note that the 20% quantile lines mostly overlap. What does this mean? The lines themselves indicate that 80% of all observed Bayes factors were larger than the respective value. In a frequentist mindset, this value is important because we often expect that 80% of our studies should yield informative results (this does not sound good when I say it like this, right?). At ~ \(N = 300\), 80% of all Bayes factors seem to be larger than 5, which is more or less convincing evidence that the variances actually differ. Note that this threshold does not really differ between the two Bayes factors. Hence, studies will mostly be equally informative, regardless of the Bayes factor we compute (for the conditions that were realized in this simulation).

Simulation 4: Variances do not differ – more conditions

In a forth simulation, I assumed a null effect and varied \(N\) between simulation runs using the following code:

comparisons <- simulate_variance_comparison(
  nruns = 1000, 
  N = seq(from = 50, to = 300, by = 50), 
  sd2 = c(15) # null effect

Hence, 1,000 simulation runs were conducted for various sample sizes. The results are illustrated in the following plot:

The \(y\)-axis displays the Bayes factor \(BF_{01}\), meaning that larger values indicate more evidence in favor of the null hypothesis. The plot shows that the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor generally yields higher evidence in favor of the null hypothesis, arguably to a non-negligible degree.

Log normal data

I repeated simulations 3 and 4 using log-normal instead of normal data. The following plots illustrate the results.

The Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor is favored even more for log-normal input data; it always conveys stronger evidence for the true hypothesis.


The Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor outperforms the Levene-Anderson Bayes factor across a variety of conditions: for small to medium large \(N\), when the variances differ; when the variances are the same; for normal data and for log-normal data. This is an important observation. Apparently, the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor from the BFpack package is well suited to test for variance homogeneity in independent samples. Of course, it is always possible to cover more conditions in a simulation, such as other data distributions, more effect sizes, or larger \(N\).

Last updated: 2019-11-28