There is a new player in Bayes Factor town: The R package BFpack (Paper; package link). I guess an extension of previous Bayes factor packages (such as BayesFactor) was needed given that recent methodological advancements were not all immediately accompanied by accessible software.

The user interface of this package is interesting: There is only one function that computes Bayes factors for a variety of statistical tests: the function BF(). This is rather convenient. As argument, BF() receives an R object capturing the results of a statistical analysis. The function already BF() supports a wide range of objects, such as linear regression objects, t-test objects, or ANOVA objects. This is a good approach because it is clear what needs to be done to compute a Bayes factor—just pass an object to BF(). The downside is that users have to compute the “classical” analyses themselves and therefore have to deal with a variety of different computation interfaces. But I am not sure if this is even a downside.

So the general approach is: Compute a “classical” statistical test and convert the result to a Bayes factor—neat!

I was particularly interested to see whether the package offers the possibility to compare variances, because I was recently looking for such functionality. And indeed, it is possible to compare independent variances using a Bayes factor extension to the Bartlett test. However, I am not sure if it is also possible to compare dependent variances; at least the function BF() does not seem to accept any corresponding object.

Previously, I described how I implemented a Bayes factor for the comparison of independent variances. Let’s call it the “Levene-Anderson” Bayes factor, because it converts the results of a classical Levene test to a Bayes factor, as proposed by Rich Anderson here. Let’s call the Bayes factor computed in the BFpack package “Bartlett-Mulder” factor, because it is based on the Bartlett test and Joris Mulder is the leading author of BFpack as well as the accompanying manuscript. In the remainder of this post, I apply the Bartlett-Mulder and the Levene-Anderson Bayes factors to a syntactic data set and compare the outputs.

Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor

First, I generate 200 data points from two distributions (100 from each) where the true variances are known to differ between distributions:

# Generate syntactic data:
n_group <- 100
group1 <- rnorm(n_group, mean = 100, sd = 15)
group2 <- rnorm(n_group, mean = 100, sd = 20)

Next, I compute the Bayes factor. Note that I first need to compute the Bartlett test by hand and then pass its output to the BF() function:

library(BFpack) # to install, use `install.packages("BFpack")

# The function `bartlett_test()` takes a numeric vector (`x`)
# and a grouping vector (`g`) as input
bt <- bartlett_test(
  x = c(group1, group2),
  g = c(rep(1, n_group), rep(2, n_group))

We can check out the output of the Bartlett test that contains the classical p-value:

##  Bartlett test of homogeneity of variances
## data:  c(group1, group2) and c(rep(1, n_group), rep(2, n_group))
## Bartlett's K-squared = 11.521, df = 1, p-value = 0.0006883

The p-value is very small and hence, the result is “highly significant”. Now, let’s check out the corresponding Bayes factor:

## Call:
## BF.bartlett_htest(x = bt)
## Bayesian hypothesis test
## Type: Exploratory
## Object: bartlett_htest
## Parameter: group variances
## Method: generalized adjusted fractional Bayes factor
## Posterior probabilities:
##    homogeneity of variances no homogeneity of variances 
##                       0.039                       0.961

It seems that the default output of the BF() function does not contain the Bayes factor, and instead only the posterior probabilities of the competing hypotheses (“homogeneity of variances” versus “no homogeneity of variances”). This seems questionable to me because the posterior odds depend on the prior odds, i.e., the relative probabilities of the competing hypotheses before seeing the data, for which everyone may have a different intuition. The internals of the R object—obtained via str(BF(bt))—also do not reveal the actual Bayes factor, which I find unfortunate.

Anyway, we can derive the Bayes factor by hand based on the posterior probabilities. The ratio of the posterior probabilities (also called posterior odds) is the prior odds multiplied by the Bayes factor. In the default base, the function BF() assumes prior odds of 1:1, i.e., before seeing the data, the alternative hypothesis was just as likely to be true as the null hypothesis. Hence, we have:

\[ \frac{0.961}{0.039} = \frac{1}{1} \cdot BF_{10} \]

So, given the prior odds of 1:1, the Bayes factor \(BF_{10}\) is just the posterior probability of the alternative hypothesis divided by the posterior probability of the null hypothesis (i.e., the Bayes factor is the same as the posterior odds). This yields:

\[ BF_{10} = \frac{0.961}{0.039} = 24.64 \]

The Bayes factor of 24.64 is strong evidence favoring the alternative hypothesis that the variances are different. This is consistent with the small p-value of 0.0006883 given by the function bartlett_test().

Levene-Anderson Bayes factor

Using the package varBF, I compute the Levene-Anderson Bayes factor for the same syntactic data that I generated above:

library(varBF) # to install, use `remotes::install_github("m-Py/varBF")`

indepvarBF(group1, group2)
## [1] 4.910184

Note that in the varBF package, we have a different function interface: We pass two numeric vectors whose variances are compared. Moreover, the function internally computes the Levene test; it is not necessary to do this by hand. The output is (only) the Bayes factor \(BF_{10}\) quantifying the degree to which the alternative hypothesis is favored over the null hypothesis.

It is noteworthy that the Levene-Anderson Bayes factor (4.91) is considerably smaller than the Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor (24.64). It still favors the alternative hypothesis, but to a smaller degree. Note that different alternative hypotheses are actually tested in both cases—at least I think so. So it should not be entirely surprising that the tests give different results. However, another possible explanation for this discrepancy can found by comparing the different classical analyses that are converted to Bayes factors. The Levene-Anderson Bayes factor is based on the Levene test. The Bartlett-Mulder Bayes factor is based on the Bartlett test. As shown in the following, the Levene p-value is much larger (about ten times as large) than the Bartlett p-value:

library(car) # # to install, use `install.packages("car")

lt <- leveneTest(
  y = c(group1, group2),
  group = c(rep(1, n_group), rep(2, n_group))

# p value Levene test
## [1] 0.00677388
# p value Bartlett test
## [1] 0.0006883062

This result is consistent with the pattern that the Levene-Mulder Bayes factor is larger than the Levene-Anderson Bayes factor—and it is entirely unrelated to the hypotheses that are compared using the two approaches. Maybe the Levene test is more conservative than the Bartlett test. However, across several manual trials, I could not establish a clear pattern with regard to the behavior of the two tests. Clearly, this should be evaluated more rigorously than by just manually repeating a single example.


In this post, I discussed (parts of) the new R package BFpack for the computation of Bayes factors. I only used it for a rather simple computation, i.e., to compare independent variances. It is more powerful, as it can be used to compute Bayes factors for much more complex designs that may also include random factors. It can also be used to specify more elaborate hypothesis than just “test if a null and an alternative differ”, which may even be its greatest strength. I am also excited to see that it seems to enable the comparison of (sets of) correlations, which was not possible using existing software before, as far as I know. I am sure this package is of interest to many researchers.

My first impression of BFpack is that I like its interface: It is good that you can simply pass R objects containing the results of statistical analyses such as lm() or aov(). This approach also makes the package conveniently extensible; I assume that we may expect support for more statistical tests in the future.

What I did not quite like about BFpack is that it does not seem to return Bayes factors by default, at least for the Bartlett test. This is kind of irritating because BFpack is supposed to be a package for computing Bayes factors. Personally, I would prefer if the BF() function returns a Bayes factor, maybe in addition to posterior probabilities. However, I assume the authors have good reasons for preferring posterior probabilities over Bayes factors.

Last updated: 2019-11-26