Get the original syntax highlighting file

Store the custom syntax highlighting file

This is where rkward looks for syntax highlighting definition files:


This directory may not exist, so it has to be created. Other sources say that


is also an option for Kate.

ln -s ~/git/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/r.xml ~/.local/share/katepart5/syntax/r.xml
ln -s ~/git/syntax-highlighting/data/syntax/r.xml ~/.local/share/org.kde.syntax-highlighting/syntax/r.xml

Then, you can just stick to working with the r.xml file in the git repository.

Adjust the XML syntax highlighting file

Example 1: Make NA different from NULL and Inf

<list name="NA">

In the context “Common rules”, add:

<keyword attribute="Missing Values" context="#stay" String="NA"/>

In the <itemDatas>, add a new <itemData> for “Missing values”:

<itemData name="Missing Values" defStyleNum="dsDataType" spellChecking="false" bold="1"/>

See the documentation which unique defStyleNums are available.

Last updated: 2020-11-06

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