The usage of Bayesian statistics, and in particular the usage of Bayes factors is on the rise in Psychology. Bayes factors have been advocated as an alternative to statistical null hypothesis significance testing relying on p-values. They quantify the relative evidence that data provide for two different hypotheses. As a prominent application in Psychology, several “default” Bayes factors have been proposed that compare an alternative hypothesis assuming an effect (e.g. there is a difference between two means) to a null hypothesis assuming no effect (e.g. there is no difference between two means). Such Bayes factors quantify how much better a specified alternative hypothesis describes the data than the null hypothesis.1 For example, when obtaining a Bayes factor of size 5, the data are 5 times more likely under the alternative hypothesis than under the null hypothesis; you may say that the data favor the alternative hypothesis by a factor of 5.2

The general appraisal of Bayes factors seems to reach from “will save statistical inference in Psychology from evil p-values” to “dangerous statistic that will lead to bogus interpretations of data”. However one may think of Bayes factors, given their increasing occurrence in Psychological research it is probably useful to know how they behave under different settings. In this post I therefore describe what Bayes factors you should expect when varying the sample size and effect size. As is usually done, I will stick to the example of the independent sample t-test that compares two means, and I will use the “default” Bayes factor proposed by Rouder, Speckman, Sun, Morey, & Iverson (2009), which is implemented in the R package BayesFactor (Morey & Rouder, 2015).3 Hence, my evaluation of Bayes factors is limited to this specific model.

The distribution of Bayes factors

The following plot illustrates the distribution of the default Bayes factors for different sample sizes and effect sizes d = 0 (meaning that the null hypothesis is true), d = 0.2 (a small effect), d = 0.5 (a medium effect) and d = 0.8 (a large effect). Note that null and small effect share the same scaling of the y-axis; medium and large effect also share the same scaling but this scaling is different to the scaling of the y-axis of null and small effect (simply because the values of the Bayes factor differ very strongly by effect size). The data were generated in a simulation assuming normally distributed scores (M = 0 for one group and M = d for the other group; SD = 1 for both groups).

So, what do the plots mean? Each plot illustrates the 20%, 50%, and 80% quantiles of the Bayes factors that you obtain for different sample sizes. Given a sample size and a effect size, 80% of all Bayes factors will be smaller than the corresponding green dot indicates; 50% will be smaller than the red dot, 20% will be smaller than the black dot. What does this tell us? Assume we are planning a study to compare two independent means and we want to use the default Cauchy Bayes factor. In this case we are interested in the number of participants we need to obtain meaningful results.

The main message is that it is really hard to obtain meaningful evidence for the alternative hypothesis when the true effect is small. If the true effect size is 0.2, we rarely see Bayes factor above 1. With N = 1000, we just barely have a 80% chance that our Bayes factor is larger than the inconclusive 1. This means that most studies using a default Bayes factor are doomed to fail when the effect size is expected to be small. This has been noted by many before, but it should be noted nevertheless. Note that this is not really a problem of Bayes factors. Between-group designs are notoriously “underpowered” when effect sizes are small. Adjusting the prior to a smaller expected effect size helps a little, but the study will still have little informative value. Note that adjusting the prior after the results are known is illegitimate anyway. This is known as prior hacking. If you expect a small effect size a priori, you can adjust the scaling of the default Cauchy prior to accommodate this expectation (a visualization of the prior scale is for example found here:

The code used to produce this simulation can be retrieved from here and here. This code has also been implemented into the R package bayesEd.

Last update: 2019-11-18


Morey, R. D., & Rouder, J. N. (2015). BayesFactor: Computation of bayes factors for common designs. Retrieved from

Rouder, J. N., Speckman, P. L., Sun, D., Morey, R. D., & Iverson, G. (2009). Bayesian t tests for accepting and rejecting the null hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16(2), 225–237.

  1. In general it is not necessary that one of the competing hypotheses is a null hypothesis.

  2. However, you may not say that the alternative hypothesis is 5 times more likely than the null hypothesis.

  3. This is also the Bayes factor used in the statistics program JASP when doing the Bayesian t-test.